Friday, December 17, 2010

Earth First - Opposition Plans Demonstration

Comment Up
From Cathy Casella:

Hey everyone. The activist group EarthFirst has moved its headquarters from Tucson Arizona to Lake Worth. They are holding an open house on Saturday (tomorrow), December 18th from 4 to 8, at their headquarters near 13th & North G Street (1307 Central Trail). We are organizing a peaceful protest of this activist, anarchist tied group and would like your help in holding signs.

If you do not know about Earth First! please Google them. I have included a couple passages from Google searches I did. Do your own searches - it's scary.

This is from the Coastal Observers notice of the Open House:
"The 30-year-old Earth First! movement doesn’t have members and has no leadership, according to information received here.

Throughout the country, its activists have become known for lying in front of bulldozers and squatting atop redwoods to stop development mining and logging projects. Supporters locally used similar tactics, such as dumping rotten oranges in business leaders’ offices, during a fight involving The Scripps Research Institute."

Do Not Take This Lightly - We need to let them know we will not stand for this type of behavior in Lake Worth. We are losing our city - do you want that? PLEASE MEET AT 13TH & NORTH G Saturday(12/18) at 3:45 and help us say to EarthFirst! "Not in our Back Yard" "Not EarthFirst - Lake Worth First!!!" This will be a peaceful, silent protest of the anarchists that continue to try to take our city.

The following is information I obtained by Googling them

Earth First! since 1990. Since 1990, action within the Earth First! movement has become increasingly influenced by anarchist political philosophy. The change also brought a rotation of the primary media organ in differing regions, an aversion to organized leadership or administrative structure, and a new trend of identifying Earth First! as a mainstream movement rather than an organization. In 1992, the push of Earth First! toward being a mainstream movement caused members who refused to abandon criminal acts to start a militant offshoot called Earth Liberation Front.[13] Most members of Earth First! liken themselves to a decentralized, locally informed activism based on communitarian ethics while Earth First adversaries characterize the group as conducting a form of terrorism.

In various parts of the country, individual citizens and small groups form the nuclei for grassroots political actions, which may take the form of legal actions—i.e. protests, timber sale appeals, and educational campaigns—or civil disobedience—tree sitting, road blockades, and sabotage—called "ecotage" by some Earth First! members, claiming it is done as a form of ecodefense. Often, disruptive direct action is used primarily as a stalling tactic in an attempt to prevent possible environmental destruction while Earth First! lawsuits try to secure long-term victories. Reported tactics include road blockades, activists locking themselves to heavy equipment, tree-sitting, and sabotage of machinery.

Earth First! was known for providing information in the Earth First! Journal on the practice of tree-spiking and monkey-wrenching (or ecotage) which have led to reports of injuries from such tactics.

Monkeywrenching: Ecotage, ecodefense, billboard bandits, desurveying, road reclamation, tree spiking, even fire. All of these terms describe the unlawful sabotage of industrial extraction and development equipment, as a means of striking at the Earth's destroyers where they commit their crimes and hitting them where they feel it most—in their profit margins.

Monkeywrenching is a step beyond civil disobedience. It is nonviolent, aimed only at inanimate objects. It is one of the last steps in defense of the wild, a deliberate action taken by an Earth defender when almost all other measures have failed.

It's your choice - but to me it's an easy one...........hope to see you there. Call with questions!!
Cathy Casella

Message from Mary Lindsey:
I'm forwarding the following email I rec'd from Cathy Casella. Please forgive the duplication if you rec'd this earlier. Hope to see all you there. There's a lot of things (like utility rates and property values for example), that we as private citizens can't do much about. But we do not have to sit home silent as this eco terrorist group and their Lake Worth sympathizers take over our city. Yes I know, it's a free country and all that but it might just be useful to let these people know that we're watching them (as I'm sure the FBI is) and we simply don't have to put out the welcome mat. Earth First! is not about responsible environmentalism. It's all about anarchism and haven't we had enough of that? sent bcc.


  1. Can you also demonstrate against that church that is allowing the illegals to hang out there once the resource center closes? thanks.

  2. What's scary about this? Sometimes it takes theatrics to make points. They are non-violent.I guess we'll see Cara there.

  3. If we can't get the FBI here for corruption perhaps we can get them here for eco-terrorism. I don't know a thing about this group. I heard that they have an anti-violent policy. From doing a little reading about them right now, it seems that they have been involved in criminal acts such as destruction of property. How many people will be occupying these premises? Are they here for recruiting? Why here? Does every group imaginable end up in Lake Worth?

  4. Right of free speech. Just ask assange. Probably the same people complaining about this group LOVES WIKILEAKS.

  5. You go guys! There are some pretty bad books in the library, you can get together and burn them too!

    That does it, I'm bringing my blog back!

  6. LOL--you mean to say you don't want to hold an anti-free speech poster against people trying to protect our environment? Geez!

  7. That's a hoot Lynn!

    No, I don't at all object to the right to protest.

    I think it is pretty funny that a Realtor, Mary Lindsey and apparently you want to keep them out of the City.

    If they abide by code and other City rules what makes them unworthy to base their organization in Lake Worth?

    And if it's not against any law to prevent them from coming, then it is pretty much prejudicial, knee jerk reaction.

    It seems like a lot of folks are all for civil rights, unless they don't like a particular person, group, or organization.

  8. "apparently you"...Why would you ever believe that I would be FOR anything these people advocate? You made an assumption that is wrong.

  9. Oh, so you think it's OK for Earth First to have their headquarters in Lake Worth.

    If that's the case I apologize.

  10. Tom is 100% right. This group has every right to move anywhere they want to .There are A LOT of people that I personally do not like polluting Lake Worth with their presence.Politically. I am a very conservative Republican. To me, the United States Chamber of Commerce poses a much greater threat to this country than this group.Want to be chilled to the bone -read about the real mission of the Chamber-on a WORLD WIDE Scale. Hello,big brother.I have no tolerance for any person or group that breaks our laws.Mary Lindsey and crowd,so eager to don their White hoods,are certainly the group that we should all want out of Lake worth. Katie Mcgiveron

  11. I am not sure why you think that being against a group that consistently violates the law to make a point, often putting people and property at risk, is being against free speech? Sorry. And I don't see why being a realtor has any bearing on my beliefs. Unless you want to buy a house? Read for yourselves:

    Cathy Casella

  12. I can't imagine that anyone will show up for this unless they are out of their minds

  13. Casella and Lindsey should be ashamed,but of course this group has no shame. Only greed.And anger. They still can't wrap their heads around the fact that their two candidates LOST .People like Casella,Lindsey, and friends do not live in a fact based reality. All they do is fear-monger.This group,whose members include pedophiles and abusers of the elderly,wouldn't know the truth even if it bit them in their ample asses.Lindsey has wasted the resources of our Sheriffs dept. with her latest antics. Instead of patrolling the neighborhoods,our officers have to baby sit Lindsey.And for what? This latest political ploy has really exposed how really desperate and mean Lindsey and crew are.Casella,go home and skulk in your mansion.There is never enough money for miserable people like Cathy.
