Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dreamers should respect this country

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Photo by Bill Clark
§176. Respect for flag--
(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.

The DREAM Act was defeated today, 55 to 41.

“To those who have come to my office: you’re always welcome to come but you’re wasting your time,” shouted Lindsey Graham of S.C. “We’re not going to pass the DREAM Act or any other legalization program until we secure our borders. The Bill is out of order."

Top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, Jeff Sessions of Al who oversees immigration policy, opposed the bill and called it unrestricted amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants.

"There's been no serious move to do anything that would improve the situation of illegals at our border," he said. "Leaders in Washington have not only tolerated the lawlessness, but in fact, our policies have encouraged it."

Sessions said that illegal immigration is exposing American communities to smugglers, drug traffickers, and thieves. "The American people are pleading with Congress to enforce our laws, but this bill at its core is a reward for illegal activity."

The above illegal who has demanded amnesty has not even learned the basic respect for our Flag.

1 comment:

  1. Until we have control of our borders,no insane bills like this can even be considered! The vast majority of Americans said "NO WAY " to the nightmare act. Thank God our elected officials finally listened!
