Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chamber of Commerce--Florida's Biggest Bully

Florida Chamber Recycles Termed out House Speaker

DORI wrote: "The Chamber puts 'em in office and keeps 'em handy as an 'insider on payroll'...legislature for and by the 'people' (?) or Chamber of Commerce agenda."

Joyce says, "How brazen. The Chamber has no timidity at all in demonstrating how they play the power game. Where is the response by intelligent and honest business owners who pay Chamber dues. Why are governments all over Florida contributing funds to Chamber groups? Sounds to me like Mafia extortion practices."

Tom Rask says, "

If you have corrupt politicians, then you must have someone who is corrupting them. One of the primary 'corruptors' (and thus themselves morally bankrupt) is The Florida Chamber of Commerce.

The powerful Florida Chamber of Commerce has a staff of approximately 40 people. They use this staff to form a conga line of collaborators, enabling business-as-usual politicians. The Chamber likes to play the inside game and they have to be stopped before they ruin our state more than they already have." Read more HERE

I guess you have realized that I have some issues with the Chamber of Commerce, not only locally but all the way up.

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