Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Assange will make over a mil on his Memoirs

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"Assange has made it clear: This funding will sustain and grow his criminal enterprise. "I don't want to write this book, but I have to," he said, citing the "need to defend myself [from rape allegations] and to keep WikiLeaks afloat."

But Assange no more has to keep WikiLeaks afloat than a drug dealer has to keep churning out his deadly product. Indeed, if Random House dared help an ordinary criminal profit by publishing a self-promoting, glossed-over memoir, it would violate New York's Son of Sam law and surely run into a buzz saw of ostracism."

The best revenge is that no one buys the book.

Ramdom House Shouldn't pay Julian Assange

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be ironic if his "memoir" is leaked to file-sharing sites and torrents prior to official commercial release and everyone downloads it for free for their e-readers? Wonder if Mr. Assange would stick to his principles and condone such a leak...
