Thursday, December 16, 2010

Assange - A hypocrite of the first order

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This criminal almost became Times' Man of the Year.

Julian Assange, the man behind WikiLeaks, has won the most votes in this year's Man of the Year poll.

Readers voted a total of 1,249,425 times, and the favorite was clear-- the shadowy figure, Julian Assange raked in 382,020 votes by all the liberal left wing who feel what he did makes him some sort of a hero--saying and publishing whatever in the hell you want under the Free Speech Constitutional amendment instead of looking at him for what he is--a criminal.

Who in the hell is this guy? On the run since he was 11 years old, he's been troubled and mixed up. He hacked into the master terminal of Nortel when he was 20 and pleaded guilty to 25 charges. His mission is to destroy democracy and his focus has been on the United States, our Republic, and the most prosperous and generous country on the Planet because we keep intelligence "secret." He justified his actions saying that the free exchange of information would put an end to what he feels is illegitimate governance and abuse of power. This is a government by the people. He wants total transparency but hides his own sources and his personal life.

He has taken it upon himself to expose what he believes is "a clever smear by U.S. intelligence" and believes that much of what our government does may not be authentic or even legal.

Wanted recently by Interpol and now being held in jail on rape charges (about to be bailed out), this is a guy who committed another egregious criminal act by publishing stolen secret documents thus compromising lives and limbs. Michael Moore is cozying up to him. That should tell you something.

There are those here holding him up as a hero for sticking it in the faces of the superpowers and their own country. He came close to winning and being apart of the Time's movers and shakers Man of the Year honors that were bestowed on Adolf Hitler in 1938, Joseph Stalin (twice, in 1939 and 1942), and Iran's Ayatullah Khomeini in 1979. He would have been among fellow comrades and would have fit right in.

He has, with malice and intent, acted to harm the United States, its allies, and our men and women in the armed services. The rest of the media does not get off the hook for publishing his stolen documents just because they were already on the Internet. They are co-conspirators.

If there was an award for the Most Stupid Person of the Year it should be given to all of those rejoicing and approving and believing that what Assange has said and done is valid. It is no different than being a fence who knowingly buys stolen property and then sells it on the open market for a profit.

In Assange's case, his reward, for his miserable little life, was trying to bring down the U.S.

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