Friday, December 3, 2010

Assange the Criminal

The majority (61%) of those who took the poll believe that what Australian citizen Julian Assange did was a criminal act.

On November 29th, U.S. attorney, Eric Holder said, "We have an active, ongoing criminal investigation with regard to this matter."

The Washington Post has reported that we have already begun laying the groundwork for an Espionage case under the Espionage Act. The State Department sent Assange a letter the day before he released the cables asking him to return classified materials and not publish them.

On Monday, the day after the document went public, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs gave the official administration response, stating, "WikiLeaks and people that disseminate information to people like this are criminals."

As the U.S. government attempts to criminalize Assange, the Australian government says it “will support any law enforcement action that may be taken. The United States will be the lead government in that respect, but certainly Australian agencies will assist.”

So, it appears that the official U.S. government position is that Julian Assange is a criminal. Now the U.S. needs to get him extradited from England where he has been holed up. If we don't get him, perhaps the Swedes will. Read about it HERE.

Jose Lugo of Spring Hill( says, "America was founded as a "government by the people, for the people" so as to be a beacon to other people who want to be free; but how can this be if the American government uses lies and dirty tricks just like other nations. Maybe, WikiLeaks did us all a favor by opening up the American government, but if they can do this to all other nations as well; then all of humanity will realize that being governed by liars can only lead us all to disaster. With a realization like this, maybe then humanity can make a real leap to a better world for us all by finishing the work that the founding fathers of America started and perfecting the concept of a "government by the people. Not the politicians."

This world is a totally different place today than when America was founded. All this idealism is great in a perfect world but we have half of it wanting to blow us off the map on a daily basis. To keep this country as well as others free and to aid half the globe, takes extraordinary measures and our intelligence gathering must be kept top secret. Assange accepted stolen top secret documents and published them (a crime) to "teach America a lesson."

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