Saturday, December 11, 2010

Activist Attorney gets fined by Fine

Barry Silver at one time was the Vice Chair of the Environmental Coalition...perhaps he still is. He is an attorney and Rabbi and has always been an advocate for environmental causes, the poor and downtrodden and has fought against social injustice. He served in the Florida legislature; successfully sued Operation Rescue and Jerry Falwell to stop blockading of health and abortion clinics; Board, Planned Parenthood; as a Rabbi he proclaims the bible supports a woman's right to choose. He also supported Amendment 4.

He even took on the entire hunting establishment--"December 27, 2003, seven citizens were arrested under the Hunter Harassment statute for interfering with a Special Opportunity Dove Slaughter sponsored by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). One person was jailed for trying to film children stomping or wringing the necks of downed birds."

This is the kind of guy Barry is. I admire people who stand up.

Judge Edward Fine of the Palm Beach County Circuit Court says he has now gone "too far" in his pursuit for justice. Fine ordered him to pay $52,828 for acting in bad faith in a defamation suit he filed against Jews for Jesus. Read about Barry's costly dilemma.

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