Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Act now to stop the DREAM ACT

What illegals want is to throw up our laws in the faces of American citizens. They want to cross our borders at will and they all want us to do NOTHING about it.

Note: The Migration Policy Institute estimated that 2.1 million may be granted amnesty if the Dream Act passes.

Harry Reid is to file Cloture on the Dream Act today and possibly forcing a vote in the Senate as soon as Thursday.
Call Your Senators NOW!

F.A.I.R. says:
Three versions of the DREAM Act are alive in the Senate and there is no telling which version of the bill Sen. Reid will advance. Even White House representatives claimed to not know which version of the bill that Sen. Reid would file cloture on during a conference call with amnesty advocates this afternoon. While Sen. Reid and Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) continue to mislead the public into believing that the DREAM Act would only benefit children, in reality, all three Senate versions of the bill contain a retroactive benefits provision that would grant amnesty to illegal aliens of virtually any age.

Moreover, once illegal aliens receive amnesty they will be able (at the age of 21) to petition the government to bring in their parents, siblings, and other family members.

Call your Senators NOW and tell them that you want our immigration laws enforced, not another amnesty that encourages more illegal immigration. Tell them:

* The DREAM Act rewards those who broke U.S. immigration laws and only encourages more illegal immigration;

* The DREAM Act unfairly allows illegal alien students to tap federal and state benefits, when those benefits are desperately needed by Americans who are struggling every day to make ends meet.

The White House and open borders lobby are fighting hard to get the DREAM Act passed--we need to work even harder to make sure that it doesn't! NOW is the time to act and to call your Senators. If you don't take action, the only voices they will hear will be the ones that support amnesty, open borders, and immigration policies that serve special interests, not the interests of Americans.

Sen. Bill Nelson 202/224-5274 Fax 202/228-2183 (has voted yes previously)

Sen. George LeMieux 202/224-3041 (has said he plans to vote N0)

To find the phone numbers of your Senators, click here

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