Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What's with Mark Alan Siegel?

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Several years ago when Rene Varela was running for the first time for Commissioner District 4 and was a member of the Lake Worth Democratic Club, many of the Officers and Directors did not support him but instead campaigned for and gave money to Dave Vespo, a Republican.

I have talked about this on several occasions and continue to bring it up because of its seriousness and significance. The Loyalty Oath of the LW Democratic Club and in PB County absolutely forbids supporting anyone other than a Democrat even in a non-partisan election if you are an officer or director. Mr. Siegel agreed with my complaint and sent out an e-mail confirming the rule. However, he never took a formal stand with the DEC on the issue. I resigned from the Club and condemned him for his non-action.

Now, Mr. Siegel has suspended two loyal Democrats and Zone Leaders, Nate and Harriet Smith, because they turned their chairs around at a recent meeting where Burt Aaronson was speaking. They did not appreciate Burt supporting Charlie Crist, a former Republican and who is now an NPA, instead of Democrat Kendrick Meek in the recent Senate race. Siegel says he doesn't like people being "rude."

What about the First Amendment Mark? What about the double standard? What about the rules? Who in the heck are you to decide what is or isn't rude? My hat's off to Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

A few days ago Mr. Siegel gave up his pursuit of Chair of the Democratic Party Florida. This is a decision I can support.

1 comment:

  1. I know the Smiths personally and have worked with them over the past couple years.

    They are the hardest working couple in the PBC Democratic Party. They have turned out their precinct 100% in getting out the vote. (The only precinct in the county to do so...)

    They are being smacked down for exercising their 1st Amendment right.

    This is wrong on so many levels. I can't begin to tell you about how this Chairman works. He is way off base here.
