Friday, November 5, 2010

Truisms To Remember - On Running for Office in Lake Worth

  • As a candidate, you don’t have to know anything. You can lie or be totally ignorant and have no record worth standing upon. You will probably get the endorsement of the local city newspaper where the Editor will write cutting, disparaging remarks about your opponent. Not to worry.
  • You never have to attend city commission meetings. You do not have to know any of the facts or even what’s going on. You can have a hollow head as long as you can memorize sound bites drilled into you by your campaign manager and supporters who also don't know anything. You can be directly responsible for destroying the City of Lake Worth. It doesn't matter.

  • You need to have a few friends (and find several emotional and erratic puppets that can crow like roosters and get in the faces of your opponents and their supporters) who think (or just plain make up stuff) like you do and who are interested in their bottom line or being popular. They will work hard for their own agenda. Afterall, it is all about "them."
  • You can have a political action committee raising funds even from questionable companies and sending out the most vulgar mailers on your behalf.

  • If you are a developer and/or a lobbyist, or a friend of Retha Lowe, Alcee Hastings, Priscilla Taylor, or Addie Green, you can get untold amounts of contributions from developers and Unions and even the Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce will bend over. You can get the Que man to even send employees to precincts and wave signs. (Gee, I didn't notice where any candidate gave him any printing business this year). Haitian friends will escort potential votes to the polling precinct all the while speaking Creole.
  • You can take contributions from Sun Recycling, the very same company that hurt our city and hurt the Osborne community. It doesn’t matter. The community advocates and Osborne residences won't say a word. Friends stick together.
  • You can continually play the fear factor and tell the public that the city is near bankruptcy and blame it on this or that...pick one, what does it matter? Of course you never have to give a solution because you can't give solutions to over the top whacked out lies.
Dirty Tricks

  • You can often quote Mayor Varela like he is an authority and have Commissioner Scott Maxwell doing his devious tricks behind the meetings and all.
  • You can be negative about everything and appeal to people who are just fed up with anyone who is worse off than they. The Blame Game is fun. You never have to be accountable.
  • You don't even have to be a nice person; you can be mean as a snake. Heck, you don't even have to smile very often. You certainly don't have to explain yourself or answer any questions. You can continue to repeat the lies. Your supporters don't care. They are counting on the fact that you don't know they are lying. It is all about winning.
  • And you can still get 47% of the vote.

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