Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tea Party Meeting and Amendment 4

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Last night, Katie McGiveron spoke at the South Florida Tea Party meeting for Palm Beach County that was held in Jupiter at the Abacoa Golf Club. It was a cordial crowd, unlike some other Tea Party meetings.

The Tea Party Executive Director, Pam Wohlschlegel, said that they were non-partisan and the Party took no issue on candidates. They sure did on Amendments. The Tea Party is definitely partisan. They had slick sheets on all the candidates and where they stood on certain issues and then rated the Amendments from A to F like a report card. These "information" cards have been passed out for some time to the voters in Palm Beach County.

What they wrote about Amendment 4: Hurts development and takes away local control of zoning." What in the heck does that mean? NO one knows, not even they. Amendment 4 is not about zoning. It is about land-use changes in the Comprehensive Plan. Of course, not even understanding the Amendment, they gave Amendment 4 an F. They were also FOR gerrymandering as they gave Amendments 5 & 6 an F as well. In total, they rated 4 issues as F's, 3 as A's, and 2 as B's.

The Tea party states that it is dedicated to America's founding principles of Fiscal responsibility, Limited Government and Free Markets. They are here to educate and inform others based on these principles. They had a disclaimer on their flier that said, "Guide is not an endorsement of a candidate or amendment." They really did a dis-service to those for whom they wish to educate by not understanding Amendment 4 at all.

There was a Constitutionalist who spoke earlier and he was against Comp Plans altogether and believes that someone has the right to do anything he chooses on his property regardless. We want to find out where he lives so that someone can put up a girley bar across the street from his single family house. As he was a guest speaker, I have to wonder if the Tea Party believes in the law.

I am wearing blinders and ear muffs with Katie explaining
that city and county commissions do not listen nor
do they hear the residents and treat us as if we are all invisible.
They usually vote they way they want and
look what happened in PB County--commissioners hauled off to prison,
some for development deals.

Katie further informed the crowd that developers received millions in federal bail out money and then turned around and used money to fight Amendment 4 by giving it to the Vote NO PAC, Citizens for Lower taxes, etc.

At the end of it, one lady came up to me and said, "Sorry, I already voted." People have believed the negative campaigning, the misinformation given to them from groups such as the Tea party. Money talks.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, you'll be happy to know that although I haven't had a complete change of heart, I voted "Yes"
    on 4 today. I'm willing to take the chance that things will go in the right direction, should the amendment pass. The foul-ups the local governments had created could hardly get more complex, as the opposition says. Power to the People.

    Rob Palladino
