Friday, November 26, 2010

Small Business Saturday

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Thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit that Allen West talks about so much, American express is promoting Small Business Saturday with financial incentives to those who shop tomorrow at small businesses using the American Express credit card.

The BAC PAC and its candidates complained bitterly about business in downtown Lake Worth during the election. Sometimes all it takes is a little American initiative to bring awareness in order to arouse shoppers and businesses in this down economic environment. Our downtown merchants have done that very thing.

Lake Worth has 3,000 commercial businesses and many of these are retailers who will be a part of Small Business Saturday in our downtown. One of the businesses is Andy Amoroso's who also happens to be Vice Chair of our CRA.

As Dick Cheney said, "The strong, healthy economy in the United States depends on the strong, healthy small-business sector. These are such a vital part of the backbone of the economy." See you downtown.

Read about it and Andy here.

1 comment:

  1. Lake Worth really does have almost anything that you could ever need for your gift list. I am very thankful for our merchants, and I will support them with my patronage.
