Saturday, November 20, 2010

Scenes from the Beach

Beach 11-19-10

Gone from the Utility wire are the shoes that were there since April-- but blight exists, nevertheless.

In a few short years, we will have a fully restored, refurbished and redeveloped beachfront. There will be a specific team of employees who will be in charge of beach maintenance. We can never allow our property to be neglected ever again.

Perhaps by then we will be able to re-open our pool for the year, not just for four months during the summer. Perhaps by then, we will have someone in charge of marketing our great assets instead of allowing them to remain idle or closed. Perhaps by then we will no longer have residents here wanting to sell off or give-away our assets. Perhaps by then we will no longer have a Commissioner saying that our Utility is an albatross around our necks. Perhaps by then the Unions won't be gouging the City of Lake Worth. If not, we all better be screaming bloody murder.

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