Friday, November 19, 2010

Rookie, Jeff Clemens

Well, we just might as well follow his career--As I said during the election, he did so much to screw up Lake Worth that it will be interesting to see what he does for our State. Creating jobs will be terrific, Jeff-- they don't have to be "green."

From the web site with a little more thrown in:

Jeff Clemens
kept the seat held by term-limited Rep. Mary Brandenburg for the Democrats. His opponent, Steven Rosenberg, was not well funded (Clemens had 8 times the money) and got little support from his own Republican Party base. Clemens, who will represent part of Palm Beach County, had a background in journalism before serving as an aide to Brandenburg. He was elected mayor of Lake Worth in 2007.

He may be described as a "rookie" in the Florida Legislature but he is no rookie when it comes to politics in general. He will consider his options on an issue and his vote will reflect the least amount of possible damage to his career. He is always looking out for Number One. He blows with the wind.

Despite the fact that he worked for Mary Brandenburg at one time as her Aide, he defeated her husband in the Democratic primary to win election to Tallahassee. Clemens has called for the creation of more green jobs in the state and the elimination of FCAT testing.

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