Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On Alcee

House steps up investigation on Alcee Hastings

Hastings is in hot water. This is not the first time. And even though Hastings had undermined confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary and betrayed the trust of the people of the United States, he has been elected over and over again since 1993 as a U.S. Congressman, District 23.

This is the same congressman when talking about health-care legislation said, "There ain't no rules here, we're trying to accomplish something... All this talk about rules... we make 'em up as we go along."

Hastings likes to spend money--taxpayer's money. According to the Sun-Sentinel, "Florida's highest-spending House member was Hastings, who went through 96.5 percent of his allowance." This allowance is $1.5 million on top of his salary of $174,000.

He is also the guy who gave $500 to Carla Blockson in the Lake Worth election. Was this, too, from his "allowance?" His staff assistant, Dan Liftman, who has been known to support progressive candidates, was told by Hastings HQ not to even get involved in the Lake Worth election--"Stay out of Lake Worth."

Alcee Hastings is a member of the Black Caucus. Allen West who wants to join this group and a man of high integrity, will have his hands full.

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