Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Message from Allen West

My Fellow Patriots -

After almost 3 years of hard work, our campaign to restore honor, integrity and character to Washington, DC culminates today, November 2nd. Over these last few months, we have seen a campaign of character assassination waged against my family and me that has truly been disgraceful. I am proud of the positive, issue-oriented-campaign that we have run, and I am confident that all of our hard work will pay off tonight.

While we are confident that we will be victorious, it is important that we each fight hard to the bitter end. Make no mistake - my opponent and the liberal machine will do anything to stay in power. So, as you have done for the last 3 years, I need each of you to once again cover my right flank.

First, go exercise your Constitutional right to vote! For a list of polling locations, click here.

Then come into one of our campaign offices to make important GOTV phone calls that will help drive our supporters to the polls. If you can't make it in, go to one of the over 400 polling locations and wave signs, pass out literature, and monitor for voter fraud. If you have any questions on how you can help, please call our HQ at 954.571.7807.

If you're unable to help us here on the ground, you can always support our campaign from anywhere in the country by clicking here.

Today, remember Plato's quote, "one of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you will be governed by your inferiors".

My fellow Patriots, this has been a long and hard-fought battle for each of us, and victory is in sight. Let's not relinquish any ground, and march straight through victory tonight.

Steadfast and Loyal,

West signature
LTC(R) Allen B. West

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