Thursday, November 18, 2010

"The Idiot Loop"

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Bill Coakley, former candidate for Lake Worth Mayor in 2009, now lives on Lake Osborne Drive in a community called Lake Osborne Estates. He was elected President of his Neighborhood Association just this week and has been extremely involved with low flying helicopters from the Lantana Airport over residential homes in his community. Meetings with County Commissioners, the FAA, etc. are finally bringing results.

Some of us got a notice from the City of Lake Worth on November 15th when a main water line broke there and water was off for the entire day. Aqua Utilities bought the water pipes, hydrants and meters and buys its water from Lake Worth at retail price, selling it back to Lake Osborne Heights residents at a marked up price.

As this company raises fees, the residents naturally conserve and use less water. So, Aqua continues to ask for rate increases. Bill calls this "the idiot loop." Today, Bill's photo appears on the front page of The Palm Beach Post and the situation with Aqua Utilities.

Read all about it HERE.


  1. This information came from one of my blog's readers recently:

    William Coakley is owner of Parcel 38-43-44-21-15-175-0160; 913 5TH AVE S, Lake Worth. He receives a homestead exemption on this property, which means he must live there.

    He gives his address Parcel 00-43-44-32-05-018-0200; 5934 LAKE OSBORNE DR, Lake Worth which was owned by his mother and her trust. She passed away over a year ago and yet there is still a $50K homestead exemption there.

    So how is he living in two places at the same time and receiving two homestead exemptions?

    Why is no one looking into this?

  2. The property on Lake Osborne is in a Trust that is still in probate.

  3. Hey Wee(sorry,I meant WES ), why don't you investigate Mayor Rene Varala's double homestead situation ?

  4. I'm all for it - layout the information - I'm not aware of it. Btw, the reader that sent me the information point was that he is not living in his homesteaded property in Lake Worth on a permanent basis.
