Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good News on Illegal Immigration in the U.S. Senate

Numbers USA says:


While the media have focused on the Republicans who took Democratic seats, the biggest improvement in the Senate may come from 4 current Republican Senators who are being replaced by 4 Republicans who enormously better on immigration issues. (We are interested in Florida.)

ELECTED: Marco Rubio
  • Florida -- Although there has been a caretaker in this seat, it belonged to Sen. Mel Martinez who was one of John McCain's pro-Amnesty brigade. For a short time, he was head of the Republican National Committee and tried to use that position to further his crusade for more foreign workers and rewards for illegal aliens,.

While Martinez sought to win Hispanic votes by supporting illegal immigration, voters last week chose a very different kind of Hispanic candidate in MARCO RUBIO. Although Rubio provided little help to our allies when he was in the state legislature, he decided from the beginning of the campaign to run as the opposite of Martinez and promised to do just about everything we could want on illegal immigration. His Hispanic concerns were much less for illegal-alien Hispanics and much more for Hispanic Americans who are suffering incredibly high unemployment.

It will be much more difficult for Sen. Menendez (New Jersey) to demagogue and accuse pro-enforcement forces of being anti-Hispanic while another Hispanic Sen. Rubio is leading the charge for enforcement. Delicious.

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