Thursday, November 18, 2010

Full-Time Politician blasts Florida Supreme Court Justices

New Florida House Speaker picked wrong tone wrong

Per a reader--It's worth noting that 2 Florida Supreme Court justices, Canady and Polston, showed up to hear Florida House Speaker Dean Cannon blast the Florida Supreme Court Justices. Both of them supported the Revocation Statute and the Smart Growth petition. Their voting record indicates they vote in accordance with the Chamber of Commerce's position.

As an officer of the court, Cannon was really skating on thin ice to call the Court an "enemy of liberty."

I was curious about Cannon, who is a solo practitioner and doesn't have a website or appear to engage in much real legal practice. The only reference I could find to his line of legal work is that guessed it...does land use law, with a focus on protecting private property rights. Mainly he is a full time politician."

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