Monday, November 1, 2010

Follow the Money to know how to vote on Amendment 4

Hand-made sign on Lyons Road in West Palm Beach
at a private residence.
Yes on Amendment 4 is out of signs and out of money.

We haven't been able to fight big corporation money but that doesn't mean that we have lost our spirit for truth.

We have had reports of a lot of theft and bounty being paid to steal them even though they have $15 million dollars to defeat the right to vote.

We talked to one gentleman there who has Amendment 4 signs on his expansive property.
He is scared about developers taking over and crooked politicians ruining his quality of life.
We don't blame him for that.

Vote NO sign on Lyons Road at a large development

Toll Brothers-- $ 43,000 contribution to the Vote No Group and a $78.8 million bail out by the federal government. That's your tax dollars folks! Don't you find this nauseating? Money talks and the rest of us take long walks down short piers. Our vote is being taken away by these developer corporations, the Florida Chamber, Realtors and other fat-cats. They have all of the money and they want our entire State to pave over.

Remember this on Tuesday.
End the corruption.
You deserve a voice at the table.

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