Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Florida may go down like a sinking ship --the Culprit? The Chamber of Commerce

Dori Sutter says, "Read the following Campaign site put out by the US Chamber on Florida and you'll wonder why every business in the Nation doesn't move here.

Could it be that the Chamber is becoming another 'too BIG to fall' Organization that could feasibly takeover the 'decisions' of the Nation, like a cult hidden among it's followers ?...just my theory :>)


In the "Show Him the Money" article written about US Chamber CEO Donohue in Washington Monthly, a US Chamber lobbyist stated that the best time to get big money out of businesses is when the economy is in crisis, because businesses are 'scared.' It wasn't just the Republican party doing the Ad Blitz against the Democrats...checkout the Chamber of Commerce's Campaign blitz...they were putting out their own TV blitz against opponents and issues.

So, if all these Corporations and New businesses get a 'free ride', it means that the rest of us have to pickup the tab...."business at any cost to taxpayers" should be the Chamber's motto. If Florida already offers all these incentives for businesses to move here; then, why all the hullabaloo that Amendment 4 would keep businesses from coming...another 'crock'!

The Chamber of Commerce's power is growing with each endorsed, elected official in office, with each organized 'Umbrella' of Association Groups (ie: Central Florida Partnerships) and it's systematic web of contacts developed throughout it's National & International memberships.

Florida - Campaign for Free Enterprise

We're being bombed from all sides... Local, State and Federal Chambers...Florida's going to go down like a sinking ship...Campaign by US Chamber to target federal regulations.

Read about it--Campaign by the Chamber to Challenge Federal Regulations

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