Saturday, November 20, 2010

Do you know more than the average American?

If You Know that the GOP Just Won the House, You'll Beat the Average American at This Political Quiz

A new survey from the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press finds that less than half of Americans know that Republicans won the House majority in the recent midterms. About 75% have some vague notion that Republicans beat Democrats -- they just don't know what that means.

That's in line with how Americans answered the survey in general -- they have some sense of what's going on in politics, but are fuzzy on specifics. Among the other findings of the survey:

--Only about half of Americans know that the national unemployment rate is approaching 10%

--Only 38% know John Boehner is the incoming House Speaker

--A mere 39% know that the government spends more on national defense than on education or Medicare (among Republicans, it's only 28%)

On average, Americans got 5 out of 12 answers correct. You can take the quiz yourself to see how your political knowledge stacks up. We know that Lake Worthians can beat this national average.

Thanks to John Hedrick for sending the above.

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