Sunday, November 7, 2010

Damn the people, full pork ahead!

Letter to the Editor

Daytona News Journal

The Nov. 3 AP article "Florida voters reject land-use amendment" had a lot of messages within it. Those messages dealt mostly with what the opposition and supporters indicated that Amendment 4 would or would not do for the people of Florida.

It depends upon which side you take. The message that I took from the article was the "voters" who actually defeated Amendment 4 were the business factions and special-interest groups that had all the millions to spend defeating it. The civic groups that actually are the voice of the people do not have the monetary resources to put up much of a fight. You know -- like all of us who are out of work, who have no money to eat or buy medicine, and soon may have to live under a bridge.

No, it was not the voters who defeated this amendment, it was business as usual. "Damn the people -- full pork ahead!"

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