Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chandra Levy, Gary Condit and a Criminal Illegal Alien

The eventual discovery of Chandra Levy's bones, 13 months after her disappearance, has finally come to a guilty verdict after all these years. Her killer is a criminal illegal immigrant from El Salvador, a murderer.

In 2001, this was a sensational case and literally ended the career of Gary Condit a congressman from California. It was exposed that he was having an affair with Chandra Levy at the time of her disappearance and suspicion turned toward him for knowing more about it. The affair, one of many, ruined his career as affairs often do.

"In July 2006, Condit sued the Sonoran News, a free weekly circular, for defamation of character, after the publication wrote 'that Condit was the 'main focus in the Chandra Levy case in 2001, after lying to investigators about his affair with Levy.' The case was dismissed in July 2007 when the judge ruled that Condit had not proved the statement was false, or that the paper had published it with actual malice." Source: Wikipedia

But as we know now, it was an illegal alien who killed Ms. Levy.

Illegal aliens who are incarcerated: 436,621
Cost of incarceration since 2008: $30,268,757,354
Illegal aliens who are fugitives: 758,385

The government must put a stop to illegal immigration and lower the numbers of legal immigration. How many times do we have to say this? We must close and secure our borders. Here in Florida, we are counting on Marco Rubio and Allen West to do something. Also we need to stop the Dream Act this month.

We continue to allow illegal immigrants into our country and now we all have the chance to call our congressmen to vote "no" on the Dream Act that Harry Reid is trying to push through before January 3rd when the new Congress begins. You must call tomorrow.

From Numbers USA:

Pres. Obama has called for passage of the DREAM Act Amnesty during the lame-duck session. According to a press release issued by Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.), she's urging House Speaker Pelosi to hold a vote on Nov. 29 - tomorrow when Congress returns from Thanksgiving recess.

There are two actions: 1) Send faxes to your Members of Congress & President Obama and 2) Call your Reps and urge them to vote NO on DREAM. The Capitol Switchboard number is (202) 224-3121 or you can find their direct number here.

For more information on the DREAM Act, download the Fact Sheet.

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