Sunday, October 31, 2010

Thank goodness for our "Cash Cow"

Sounding very much like a candidate in District 2, a robo call is now going out using an audio of Commissioner Mulvehill where she called our Utility a "cash cow." It is unfortunate that this group and their friends who were in control of the City at one time, a time when we had plenty of money due to over-inflated property values, spent all of the money, ran it into the ground and allowed Unions to negotiate their own contracts that were unfavorable to the City. We must depend on our Utility for a percentage of our operating budget because of past Commission decisions.

Even our City Manager has said that we can not continue to divert revenue from the Utility in an effort to pay for general government functions and high operating and personnel costs. As she said, the "City's current and projected tax base will not generate adequate property tax revenue to fund existing City services without making comprehensive and systematic reductions in both the cost and scope of City services and contractual commitments."

Until such time the Unions agree to much needed and realistic cuts, the City will have to depend on the Utility for cash to operate.

Please be reminded that Blockson and Maxwell have received a lot of $$$ contributions from the Unions and they are beholding to their interests, not the residents of Lake Worth. To date, (Maxwell's G4 was not uploaded to the City web site) Lisa Maxwell has received over $5,000 from the Unions and Blockson has received over $3,000.

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