Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sierra Club Florida has Endorsed Amendment 4

Sierra Club Florida

Political Endorsements - Florida Amendments

Sierra Club Florida has endorsed Amendment 4 to the Florida Constitution, also known as the Florida Hometown Democracy Amendment. It is meant to give citizens a veto over elected officials' decisions to change comprehensive plans, the blueprints for community growth. You can find more information about this on the web by searching on Florida Hometown Democracy.

The Sierra Club, with 1.3 million members and 35,000 in Florida, has official policies on many conservation issues. They group these into 17 categories: agriculture, biotechnology, energy, environmental justice, forest and wilderness management, global issues, government and political issues, land management, military issues, nuclear issues, oceans, pollution and waste management, precautionary principle, transportation, urban and land use policies, water resources, and wildlife conservation.

Is this what Wes calls a "special interest?"

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