Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Riviera Beach gets to vote on Charter Amendment

Can anyone even imagine The Palm Beach Post endorsing a Charter Amendment by the residents of Riviera Beach to keep their public marina public when it involves BIG money such as Rybovich and Wayne Huzeinga? It wouldn't happen in a million years. The Editor told all Riviera Beach citizens to Vote NO to save their marina just like they tell all of us to Vote NO on Amendment 4. It would affect their pocketbook. How sad this is when you have a newspaper with so much influence that is not fair and balanced.

Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Edward H. Fine of the 15th Judicial Circuit Court (I LOVE this Judge) ruled that the ballot initiative was valid even though the City of Riviera Beach and the Community Redevelopment Agency sued the Citizens Task Force that went out and got certified signatures to get it on the ballot.

Now the people can vote whether they want this land-use change or not.

Just another reason why Amendment 4 is so necessary.

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