Sunday, October 17, 2010

Reasons to Vote NO on Amendment 4

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  • Do you like corruption?
  • Do you like corrupt public officials? What about those who have gone to jail?
  • Do you like developers coming into your city and using their influence on your Commission and Planning & Zoning Board to build what they want where they want even if it is against your Comprehensive Plan?
  • Do you like spending millions of dollars developing a Comprehensive Plan just so that corrupt officials will change it when ever they feel like it?
  • Do you really believe that those with all the money and all the power should be allowed to control your vote?

If you do, then you should vote NO on Amendment 4.

1 comment:

  1. Omigod: Lynn just listed many of the reasons we SHOULD vote YES on Amendment 4. I'm sure that's what you meant, right Lynn?
