Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lake Worth needs no more Wildfires

Mis-information spreading like a wildfire

The other night at the South Palm Park Candidate Forum, candidate Lisa Maxwell answered some question pertaining to the amount of usage of electricity by the City. The question used a figure of 50% that supposedly the mayor quoted in his State of The City address. Either someone did not hear him correctly or erroneous information is spreading like a wildfire.

Lisa said, "We need to re-establish credibility with the City...we have to live within our means." She thinks that she is the one that can identify problems in our Utility. It might be a good idea of Ms. Maxwell reestablishes her credibility with the Lake Worth voter. If she had been up on her facts, and she should have been because the Utility is a big part of her campaign and something she likes to gripe about the most, she would have known that 50% was an absurd figure.

But Lisa likes to repeat things she hears even when many of her campaign statements have been proven false. What will she do if she were a Commissioner and making decisions based on faulty data?

From the Utility Director--demand in KWH:

Commercial Demand.....3,571,757
Commercial General.....6,353,273
Commercial Supplemental.....35,183
Community College.....854,600
Demand Supplemental.....102,960
Private Area Lighting.....97,190
Street lights.....207,874

TOTAL KWH USAGE for the past 6 months: 27,877,368

Therefore, government uses 5.87% of the total kilowatt hours used, not 50%.

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