Friday, October 8, 2010

Lake Worth made the right decision on Red-Light Cameras

As Katie and I were driving in Royal Palm Beach a few days ago, she pointed out a red-light camera that appeared small and unobtrusive. I did not notice any sign stating that a red-light camera was in force.

As more and more cities are worried about lawsuits because of violations of driver's due process rights, Royal Palm has now voted to end its red-light program. Even Pembroke Pines, the first city to install these cameras is attempting to amend its contract with American Traffic Solutions so that the company would be responsible for part of the expense of a law suit.

Even though the Finance Advisory Board agreed to the concept of red-light cameras, I will always remember the Finance Advisory Board and Darrian Dority when he said, "It would take a person of sub-standard intelligence to agree to these terms...the City needs to look at Contracts."

American Traffic Solutions made two presentations before our City Commission and was turned down by different Commissions. The last time the idea came before us, encouraged by Staff, the Mayor voted with Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill not to install them. We made the right decision both times.

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