Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lake Worth Herald and the Mentoring Center

Usually around election time in the City of Lake Worth we see more and more inaccuracies coming from The Lake Worth Herald and definitely reporting that is heavily slanted to one side of the political spectrum. Sometimes the reporting is just plain false.

The latest one from Mr. Parrish himself, (Commentary Section) while writing about The Mentoring Center saying, "The city is tilted by Commissioner Cara Jennings, Jo-Anne Golden and Suzanne Mulvehill who allowed the City to race 'pell-mell into the social services business by allowing The Resource Center'...
Lake Worth made a poor choice by allowing itself to be overwhelmed by a social conscience shared by three commissioners."

This is just plan FALSE.

To be accurate, former Jeff Clemens, Commissioners Jennings and Golden voted to allow and enter into a Lease with The Mentoring Center. Retha Lowe and David Vespo agreed with the concept but did not want it at the Shuffleboard Court.


Suzanne Mulvehill WAS NOT A COMMISSIONER at the time of that vote that took place on September 2, 2008.

Can we get any responsible journalism and accuracy in Lake Worth?

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