Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hunter's Moon

Full Moon

This Moon was so beautiful last night...hope you all saw it. The Hunter's Moon is always the first full moon following the Harvest Moon that occurred in September around the time of the autumnal equinox.

Some trivia on Hunter's Moons--

"Legend has it Native Americans used the advantage of this particular moon to track and kill their prey further from their homes to get ready for the pending winter ahead.

While the Hunter's Full Moon is not brighter, bigger or more yellowish in color than other moons of the year, it does share a special characteristic with the Harvest Moon.

Both moons rise on successive evenings approximately 30 minutes later each night, instead of the usual 50 minutes as seen from the northern hemisphere. This is due to where the moons are located on ecliptic of the sky at this time of year.

There is no long period of darkness between sunset and moonrise, again giving hunters the advantage of more light to track their prey longer each day." Source:

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