Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hey David, Amendment 4 needs your sling-shot

Businessman, Steve Rosen
has donated more than $675,000 to Vote Yes on 4
Florida Hometown Democracy

Interesting article in the PB Post this morning that illustrates what a grassroots organization has had to endure in order to get something on a ballot when all the while the biggest obstacle for Amendment 4 is HUGE/big money from those fighting the people's right to vote on land-use changes.

You would think that Amendment 4 advocates were stealing money right out of their pockets when in fact this has nothing to do with anti-growth but everything to do with corruption and greed and power. It has everything to do with our right to vote when these politicians make changes to our Comprehensive Plan. Why spend millions of dollars even developing a Plan if politicians change it at the demand of a developer? Does someone not get it that you should vote on things like this when it is costing you money?

Florida Hometown Democracy spent millions just fighting the legal suits against it from the Chamber PAC, one now defunct and a new one formed called Citizens for Lower Taxes and a Stronger Economy. Even the name of this PAC is a big lie. They have so much money that they have perfected the lie.

FHD has received 3,201 donations from people across the State who just want to preserve what we have without building going up all around us. These donations have been less than $100. The Vote NO group is funded by all big business, the Chamber and Realtors and has received donations of $100 or less from only 388 people.

David, we need you.

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