Sunday, October 3, 2010

Development in Florida

Comment Up
The Big Picture

and Cul de sacs


  1. Thanks for the "ad" for increased density and mixed use - making suburbia more urban. To make these changes happen, we would need to amend Comprehensive Land Use plans to accommodate greater densities. I'm glad we can count on you to lead the charge when if we are voting on these.

  2. Actually, Wes, this is about building "smart." Amendment 4 is not against growth as you Vote NO people like to twist things. Amendment 4 is voting on LAND-USE changes in a Comprehensive Plan that taxpayers have paid millions to abide by..that you developer folks love to spit upon.

  3. Part of building smart is having more people in less of a geographic area so that walking and other modes of transit are preferred over the automobile - which is supported by our currently sprawled landscape. Thanks for help making the point to vote against Amendment 4.

  4. Wes,Amendment 4 does not stop ANY kind of planning. It lets the taxpayers decide what they want their communities to look like. If they like the urban model,so be it. If they want cul-de-sacs with sprawl, so be it ! You planners still get to do your jobs. The only change is at the end of the process. If your elected officials think a land change is good for the community, the community finally gets a say, before we are forced to pay.And Wes, when you see an article or editorial accusing Leslie Blackner of being a "special interest lawyer that is out to make millions",why don't you correct them by telling how Leslie represented the Lake Osborne neighborhood FOR FREE for 5 YEARS !!!!!

  5. Don't understand your logic at all to vote "no." We want to keep Lake Worth a small town that is accessible to many who ride bikes or walk. Your Group wants to build higher, little setbacks, less green more pavement and raping us of our natural resources, such as water and make your friends wealthy. :) We already have extremely HIGH density here.
    Wes, you are a likable "Kiljoy."
