Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Constitution Committee endorses Rosenblum District 89

Comment Up--a must read!
Dean Taffel of The Constitution Committee says,
"Steve Rosenblum is the clear choice in District 89. He is a highly principled Constitutional conservative. As with most office holders from Lake Worth (but not necessarily all), Steve's opponent is a (corrupt?) collectivist with an extraordinarily troubling record. He deserves plenty of support and in this year when anything can happen."

Steve For House Web Banner

The voters have a clear choice in District 89:
Left-wing progressive Jeff Clemens or Fiscal-conservative Steven Rosenblum and we need your help to get the TRUTH out to the voters, so they can avoid the CONSEQUENCES of voting for his opponent.

As Mayor of Lake Worth, Steve's opponent:

1- Favored Obama's "stimulus" and still does.
2- Kicked seniors out of their recreation center; leased the building out for $1/year to create a "day labor center" where 80% of the people seeking work are illegal immigrants and had the taxpayers continue to pay the utilities and maintenance.
3- Voted not to terminate the FMPA contract (which requires 5 years notice) which means residents continue to pay 1.5 times more than FPL customers for electricity.
4- Rejected an ethics ordinance proposed by another city commissioner, saying, "I'm not comfortable legislating ethics from the dais," but now claims to have championed ethics reform.
...And the list goes on.

When elected Steve will put taxpayers first, keep taxes low, reduce the size and increase the accountability of government and bring ethics, principles and common sense back to Tallahassee.

You can make a secure, online contribution at:

With your support Steve will be victorious on November 2nd!

1 comment:

  1. Lynn,

    I have stumbled onto your blog this morning,very impressive. I Am currently a Level 2 Code Officer and state certified in Business Tax. I spent 2 months at Lake Worth a while ago during the Rachael Bach administration. The city is a wonderful city. Most of the employees care for what they do. The true problem, and admittedly this is everywhere, but very bad in Lake Worth are the egos. In the Code department alone, while I was there, you had preferrential treatment to certain officers. Which others did not take to kindly to. The admin head and Geoff just did not know how to talk to people. I worked the first month there without a vehicle. In my time there I did internet research on my own time at home. This because Geoff and the admin head decided that the computer was being misused. During my investigations I found a fellow on J street advertising for financial services. He had no license in that field and was later arrested in Maryland on fraud. The laudry mat in the 7-11 parking lot had not been paying sales tax for 7 years. This in a routine check of their license. Of course no business tax was being paid either. I reported them to state authorities. The city needs new theories and alternate methods of code compliance. One of my ideas was to create an adopt a house program with the businesses in the area. I will not bore you with my interrogatories of how Lake Worth needs real help. Just to say that The dept. needs an overhaul. Sure the captured fines look good on a resume but do nothing to fix the problem. True code compliance comes from community involvement not the magistrates bench. I was later labeled a rebel, as I hit the ground running. The city needs real ideas. I owned a business for 20 years, I understand what an owner goes through everyday. That is what made me the diplomat for their dealings with code during the outside seating debocle. People like Morabito and Handley took advantage of the city.
    I was creamed at by the admin head one Monday as I worked a Saturday and it was near the end of the day. I simply resulted my inspections in the computer which had taken me mere minutes. Which the city was paying someone to do, had taken 5 minutes for my entire Saturday case load. Well once I made her shit list, if you will, I was doomed. Bach jumped on the band wagon and off I go. Again as a business owner I realize that one has to wear many hats. Why pay someone to do what I can do in minutes. Especially in a economically challenged environment that we were in.
    Probably that is why I did not last in Lake Worth, I do not kiss the right behinds. You of all know that look where kissing behinds has gotten the city now. God Bless. If you are interested my email is premiertransvp@aol.com

    I wish you the best.
