Friday, October 29, 2010

Commissioner Scott Maxwell's Deception Revealed

Campaign roundup: Lake Worth commish sneaks campaign plug into town hall meeting


— Commissioner Scott Maxwell will not be able to use city staff at town hall meetings he is holding to discuss electric rates because he used a forum Saturday to promote two city commission candidates.

During Saturday's meeting at Calvary United Methodist Church, Maxwell distributed a brochure bearing the city's logo that included this sentence in bold type: "You can exercise your power by helping me gain the two supporting votes from the commission that are necessary to lower the amount of your utility bills!"

The "supporting votes" referred to city commission candidates Carla Blockson and Lisa Maxwell, who is not related to Scott Maxwell.

City Manager Susan Stanton said no staff will attend Maxwell's future community meetings, including two planned before Tuesday's election.

1 comment:

  1. Deception? That's what Scott Maxwell is ALL ABOUT!

    In his resumé, he claims he "...attended Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio."

    Scott Maxwell attended college for less than six months, and was forced to drop out due to poor grades in his FIRST SEMESTER.

    Since being a city commissioner is not a real job, you, the Taxpayers of Lake Worth should know what Scott Maxwell's resumé would look like if it told the WHOLE truth.

    Manager, Burger King Restaurant - FIRED for incompetence
    Assistant Manager, Checkers Fast Food Restaurant - FIRED for "forgetting" to lock the safe one night.
    Inventory Stocking Clerk, Target Stores - FIRED for inability to perform required tasks.

    In the aftermath of Hurricane Wilma, Scott and his wife Paula Maxwell accepted an insurance settlement in excess of $20,000 for damage to the roof of their home. They never spent a dime on that roof. Instead, they spent it cleaning the urine-stained grout on the tile floors. If you think your homeowners' insurance is too high, you can thank Commissioner Scott Maxwell.
