Friday, October 22, 2010

Basic Rule of Politics

Basic Rule of Politics--
Never Lose a Friend By Trying to Placate Your Enemies

The reason why I like Col. Allen West is that he is a stand-up guy and no phony--no flip-flopper. What you see is definitely what you will get.

We have seen people get elected to office and no sooner do they take the pledge, they turn on you like a New York minute. Even our Lake Worth mayor flipped his allegiance and compromised his principles. This is one confused politician.

There is also a campaign contributor in this city who did the same thing. Stood up for everything right-- and now he supports the opposite side that he actually previously detested--was directly responsible for the Florida Election Commission's intervention with the Retha Lowe decision and her ultimate fine as well as the law suit against Greater Bay. The people he is now supporting want to knock down the pool, have Greater Bay back on our property in order to give us another $13,000 pool cover made out of bubble wrap. One confused individual. Vengeance and wrath.

Mayor, please tell your preferred candidates that they don't know what in heck they are talking about and that your votes from the dais this year (that are, incidentally, in direct opposition to Blockson's and Maxwell's political hype), actually mean something...that your decisions were and are in the best interest of this City...that you were not kidding. Actually, I would like you to take the moral road and endorse Mulvehill and McVoy.

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