Thursday, October 21, 2010

BAC PAC Attacks - Debates are Over

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Actually, if this mailer was not so silly (libelous?), it would be funny. "Mad" is the middle name of this political action committee and vindictive is its persona. Supporting candidates with NO CLUE, just proves that they all are a little off. This is political sport--their game.

As one Lake Worth citizen said,

"I was at the Lake Worth Chamber breakfast yesterday and heard Executive Director Beth Johnston begin the panel discussion by stating that the Chamber does not support any political candidates. LOL! While I support her sentiments wholeheartedly, their actions belie her words. Campaign reports reveal they have given a substantial, 200.00 dollar, donation to the political action committee that comes up with this type of nonsense."

Instead of spending money on ridiculous attack ads, they should be using this money to coach their preferred developer candidates to speak the truth during debates. Lisa and Carla don't read up on the facts. They should. Perhaps they would learn. They must do some homework; do some research; learn the truth. But apparently this is NOT about the truth. This is about winning the prize no matter what.

Continues to talk about our city on the verge of bankruptcy. This is a false statement. She continues to say that Mayor Varela said it and that Commissioner Scott Maxwell concurs. The Mayor has already said at a public meeting only a few months ago that we are NOT going bankrupt and we are never going bankrupt. Scott, on the other hand, probably did not listen that day.

She continues to say that we are down to two code enforcement officers. That is a FALSE statement. Lisa, I suggest that you call the Code Department and LEARN something.

Carla still says that she wants a consenus on the dais, not 3 to 2 votes all of the time. Carla, I have written about this on numerous occasions. Find out the facts before you say something so stoooopid.

Carla mentions the Titanic and bankruptcy. She says we must know what our revenues are and what our expenses are. No joke. She said that. We have to have a balanced budget Carla--BY LAW.

She said that March elections would cost us more money when in fact, the Supervisor of Elections, Susan Bucher, advised us to move the elections to March because they would SAVE us money. Read about March elections HERE. Also, Carla thinks three year terms are swell. People don't trust politicians in office for 3 years and the voters told you so in 2007 by 68% of the vote. This was the first campaign of Citizens Come First.

I have to wonder what it is about these candidates. Are they just ignorant on the facts or do they LIE on purpose in order to gain a vote through fear. They have NO solutions, only preposterous statements egged on by angry PAC people.

About the only interesting thing last night during the debate at The Lake Worth Playhouse was Wes Blackman and his loud cheering and cat calling for his candidates. We are a dysfunctional city with a lot of angry people. And no one really knows what they all want other than to go backwards, spend millions of dollars unnecessarily, give away our beach to developers, knock down our Casino, build high and have Ft. Lauderdale in Lake Worth. They want the "good ole boy" system back.

The Post article.


  1. 68% of lake Worth taxpayers DO NOT WANT 3 year terms of office !Carla Blockson has been turned into a Retha Lowe junior sock puppet figure. Carla came out of nowhere and says what she is coached to say. Lisa Maxwell wants to turn over the city of Lake Worth to her developer masters to rape.We citizens are nothing but a mob with pitchforks. Too bad THAT comment of hers from last night didn't make it into the Post !I hope that ridiculous Mcvoy flier gets out to every voter in the city!. Mad scientist Mcvoy will wipe the floor with Carla the sock puppet!

  2. You didn't like my rolling "R's"?? They were joyful, not angry :)
