Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why we need Amendment 4

Message from Dori:

West Bay, FL: provides 50 years of growth in 71,000 acre approved planning framework, includes commercial, office, industrial, preservation, recreation, residential and community for 27,000 homes and 6300 dwelling units.

Venture Crossings: A St. Joe Development near Panama City, North Florida panhandle.

St. Joe, is the region's biggest landowner and property developer, owns 577,000 acres in northwest Florida, much of it within 15 miles of the ocean and 5.7 miles on the coast. The company also owns eight luxury resorts near Panhandle beaches and earns about one-third of its revenue from tourism.

This is only one of many already planned projects accumulated within Florida's Current Growth Plans to accommodate 80-100 million people in Florida. Growth already approved or 'in the works', enough to create jobs and build a better, more sustainable economy for decades without extending planned boundaries...See BEYOND YOUR BACKYARD to make your own conclusions as to why WE NEED Amendment 4.

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