Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Spreading Sprawl and Taxpayers Hanging

"SB 360 allowed developers to build new projects without having to pay for the road improvements that inevitably come with new construction. Instead, local taxpayers would have had to pay."

The Miami Herald summed up its editorial today by saying, "What Florida needs more than developer-friendly laws or fed-up voters' constitutional amendments is a statewide strategy that conserves Florida's natural resources, including its drinking water, while promoting sustainable development that creates long-term jobs and promotes a true sense of community among Floridians. Read the editorial Good Riddance to Sprawl-promoting Law

We agree with that in premise. The only problem--there is no strategy and developers and big business and all their lobbyists will never allow sustainable growth to happen. That is why Amendment 4 is so necessary--to help eliminate the corruption behind all this growth at any cost.

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