Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Say "NO" to Dream Act

"No. 1: The rhetoric for DREAM is false and misleading. This amnesty is NOT limited to high school valedictorians and other high-achieving college students who were brought to the U.S. illegally when they were toddlers.

The amnesty includes illegal aliens up to age 35!

And their arrival can be as late as age 15!

The bill is a giant fraud loophole. People can claim the amnesty without providing proof of meeting criteria.

Even the supporters of the DREAM amnesty admit that around 2.1 million people could qualify.

No. 2: DREAM does nothing to stop the behavior that put teenagers into their situation. It leaves the jobs magnet in place.

This amnesty has no enforcement measures at all. It allows employers to continue to hire illegal aliens, enticing millions more parents to bring their children here illegally and stay long enough for them to become high school students and demand another amnesty in a few years.

No. 3: DREAM leaves intact the chain migration system that will allow these 2.1 million illegal aliens to eventually send for millions more relatives.

Rather quickly, the amnestied illegal aliens would be able to get green cards for their parents. And millions of additional relatives would be able to start planning their applications and getting in line. This starts with adult siblings and moves on to aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.

A large percentage of the illegal aliens in the U.S. today are extended family members of the illegal aliens who got amnesty in 1986 and also those in the six more-limited amnesties in the 1990s.

Senator Reid is trying to add the Act to the Defense Bill. He needs 60 votes."

Call TODAY--CAPITOL SWITCHBOARD: 202-224-3121 to say NO to the Dream Act and the open-border people.

Source: NumbersUSA

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