Thursday, September 23, 2010

Residents are Ticked Off in Riviera Beach

Amendment 4 is all about giving the voice back to the people when it comes to how we want our community to look. City governments across our State have and continue to make bad decisions when it comes to land-use changes. They do not listen to the people, the ones who end up paying for all the mess.

The residents of Riviera Beach have told its Commission that they don't want to give away their public land to Rybovich and gathered 5,600 signatures to put the question to the voters this November 2. So, what does Riviera Beach do? The City of Riviera Beach's council just voted to raise taxes and voted to lease the marina to Rybovich anyway at what the residents claim to be a ridiculously low rate that resulted from a non-compete bidding process and going around the will of the people to vote.

Angry and frustrated, residents will now attempt to recall the entire council by a formal filing of Recall today.

For some of you who continue to say "prove the corruption," I say just look around you. Look at what has happened all over the State and right here in Palm Beach County by Commissions that continually vote against the people because "they know better than you."

Vote YES on Amendment 4 and help alleviate some of the corruption behind land-use decisions in Florida. Even our local Planner should get this one.

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