Thursday, September 2, 2010

Palm Beach Post always shows its bias - Col. Allen West

In the Palm Beach Post Letters to the Editor today regarding Col. Allen West, the newspaper was true to form. It had anti West letters published on a 4 to 1 ratio. West is not a far right crazy as the Klein campaign is implying or what the Post wants you to believe. He is a conservative American and believes in the Constitution. Here is the one letter that supports Col. Allen West and we agree.

Palm Beach Gardens

Klein's desperation showing; West has Jewish support

By printing Congressman Ron Klein's comments in the Talking Points section, The Post has unwittingly revealed how weak and desperate he has become.

Allen West has many intelligent Jews among his supporters, and I have never heard one of them say he believed that Mr. West denigrated Jewish people or the Holocaust when he referred to Nazis or the Gestapo. In fact, they believe that he is a great friend of Israel and the Jewish people.

The Post further revealed its fear of Mr. West when it failed to endorse him in the Republican primary over David Brady. How can you possibly ignore a candidate of Mr. West's character?

Ron Klein is the master of the sidestep, refusing to debate Allen West on numerous occasions. Has anyone heard him criticize President Obama for his treatment of Israel and its prime minister?


Deerfield Beach

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