Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Nix on Fair Government - watch out for Sneaky Politicians

"The effort to defeat Amendments 5 and 6 is misnamed Protect Your Vote. It should be called Protect Our Power. And Florida voters should not let entrenched incumbents and big business get away with it."
-St. Petersburg Times, 9/22/10

Message from Jackie Lee:
It finally happened. Today, a group of highly motivated, self-interested politicians, lobbyists and special interest groups launched the long awaited "Nix on Amendments 5 and 6" campaign. As expected, these politicians want nothing more than to protect themselves and their own best interests. These politicians have shown us that they will do everything in their power to avoid any rules for redistricting.

First, they came out with their "poison pill" Amendment 7 - using millions of taxpayer dollars to confuse voters! Then they tried to get a second bite at the apple when they sued to get Amendments 5 & 6 off the ballot. Those efforts failed so now they have launched a $4 million campaign to preserve the power of those highly motivated, self-interested politicians, lobbyists and special interest groups.

We need your help today to fight back against their multi-million dollar media campaign.

We have come so far, overcome many odds, and we are 6 weeks away from creating rules for politicians to follow when they draw district lines. We are preparing television ads, mail pieces and radio ads to let every voter know that every major newspaper in the state supports the rules in Amendments 5 & 6. We need to let every voter know that well-respected and diverse groups like the AARP, NAACP, Democracia Ahora and the League of Women Voters are working to pass Amendments 5 & 6.

Will you help is fight back against our opposition?

My experience in politics has taught me to never underestimate a group of highly motivated and self-interested politicians.

Will you make a donation today to ensure that we can fight back?

And don't forget to Vote YES on Amendment 4!

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