Saturday, September 11, 2010

Never Forget

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"We raise the flag in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11--

their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.

In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism. Sadly, those flags have all but disappeared. Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and it shouldn't take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country and together we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds."

(Above is an excerpt from an e-mail sent to me)

Read what Allen West says about a mosque being built near ground zero.

Allen West's message in Remembrance of Ground Zero:

Dear Fellow Patriots,

As Americans, we share together the grief, pain, and anger felt by so many of our fellow countrymen who lost loved ones that fateful day. And as Americans, we stand together in the fight against the radical Islamic terrorist enemy who perpetrated this attack, as well as those who condone, support and encourage these types of attacks....and we shall be Victorious!

We will never forget. We will not acquiesce. We will never surrender.

Steadfast and loyal,
Allen B. West


  1. Are you morphing into a Conservative? That will really put you in 'good favor' with the liberals in LW.

    BTW: You have picked a real American in Allen West.

  2. That's funny that you asked that. I have always been a conservative but more so now over the last two years. Here in Lake Worth, at any given moment, by staying in the middle, I can become a "whacko" or a "racist" depending upon what stand I take. You can not ever win in LW unless you agree with one side 100%. That is not my goal which is giving facts and opinion. Both political sides here will even have something stupid to say about that. I must love being a masochist:)

    Col. Allen West is truly an impressive patriot. I hope that he wins.

  3. Great photo to lead it off. Thanks, Joe
