Sunday, September 19, 2010

More on Election Lies

"Early on DNC Chairman Tim Kaine made it clear this was not going to be about the liberal progressive socialist legislative agenda, truly indefensible. Instead it would be about attacking the individual and false branding, so instead of meeting on the battleground of ideological ideas this season has turned into a bad National Enquirer reality show. The negative TV ads, personal attacks based upon lies and half information, and the purposeful hiding of most incumbents are becoming the standard for this election cycle."

Read more: The Politics of character assassination.

Not only have we had the negative attacks against Col. Allen West, but also against several candidates who won their primaries who do not fit into the progressive left-wing mold. Soon we will be hammered with the lies of the Vote NO on amendment 4 special interest groups that have all the money.

Expect to see more of it here in Lake Worth against a few of our local candidates. It's all about reclaiming the power, not about who will be best for Lake Worth.

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