Monday, September 20, 2010

Is anything sacred with Ron Klein?

Greetings Patriot,

How would you feel if you arrived home after work only to hear your two teenage daughters describe the mailing your family received, publicly disclosing your Social Security number? And imagine your disgust when you discover the same mailing had just been sent to thousands of homes across Broward and Palm Beach Counties?

Well, that just happened to me on Friday evening.

Incumbent Ron Klein has just sunk to an unprecedented new low in American politics. Klein has sent my social security number to voters all across Florida's 22nd Congressional District.

I understand politics is a tough business. I expect to be challenged about my ideas, my beliefs.

But Ron Klein has clearly crossed a line. Our lawyers are reviewing what legal action is available to my family.

I'm not yet sure the potential damage that might come to my wife and me.

And it makes me sick to think of what could happen to my daughters.

South Florida has the highest number of incidents of identity theft in the country - my entire family is now at risk of having our identities stolen. So we now have to start the long, complicated, drawn-out process of requesting new Social Security numbers, and all the troubles that come with that.

His type of politics must end now. If Ron Klein and his Liberal cronies will do this to me and my family, what will they do to each of you?

This is a despicable act by a desperate politician who is in danger of losing his job.

I have longed believed that the liberals would do anything just to stay in power. But never in my wildest dreams did I believe they would stoop this low.

Klein has once again aroused my competitive spirit. I am more determined than ever to spread the word of our cause to restore character, honor and integrity to Congress.

Will you redouble your efforts as well? Let's show Ron Klein his below the belt political smears have no place in America.

Help deliver our message of limited government, lower taxes and a strong national defense by donating to our cause. If you can afford $22, $50, $100, or even $250, we can get our message across to the voters that Ron Klein's career must end.

I'm ready to fight. Join with us to ensure integrity is returned to politics in America.

LTC(R) Allen B. West

Paid for by Allen West for Congress

Note: The flier was sent out by the Florida Democratic Party and its spokesman, Eric Jotkoff, said it would pay for Identity Theft Protection for the next two years all the while saying West was paranoid. What a guy.

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