Thursday, September 9, 2010

Illegal immigrants are like gate-crashers — uninvited

PB Post

Regarding the recent coverage of the bill proposed by state Rep. William Snyder, R-Stuart: It is like illegal immigrants came to my house uninvited, burst open the door and declared that they are not leaving.

Not only were they not invited, they did not call ahead to ask if they could come. Therefore, they are unwelcome. Just because they do not recognize the sanctity of my home does not mean I must oblige myself to their point of view. I did not seek them out, they sought me.

It is therefore my right to demand that they go back to their house and either wait for me to invite them over, or to call and ask if they may come over. Either way, it is my right to accept or decline. They have no right to come to my house. It is a privilege I extend to whom I may.

Moreover, if I do accept their request to come, I am under no obligation to provide for them. They must care for themselves. For them, it is potluck and BYOB. If Americans who advocate for these illegals were true to their convictions, let them be the sponsors, on their dollar, not mine or the American taxpayers.


Palm Springs

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