Saturday, September 18, 2010

Florida Farm Bureau throws Rotten Egg

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In case you missed this blog--Dori and the Farm Bureau.
She never heard back from Mr. Hoblick.
She has been a long-time customer.

From the Farm Bureau's web site: Whereas government services to agricultural owners costs 25 cents out of every dollar paid in taxes, services to homeowners costs $1.50. Farmland does not require more roads, schools, garbage collection and other governmental services. Under the Greenbelt Law, FS 193.461 (3) (b), properties that are bona fide agricultural operations are taxed according to the “use” value of those operations, rather than the development value. Generally, tax assessments for qualifying land are lower than those for other uses. But ... all owners of such property do pay taxes.

So, you would think that taxpaying farmers and members of Florida Farm Bureau would be very concerned about development's continuing encroachment on Florida farmland and would want a voice at the table when it came to land-use changes.

All of you who have insurance with the Florida Farm Bureau and who do not feel the same way that their executive(s) feel about Amendment 4, give a call to John Hoblick first thing on Monday morning at (352) 378-8100 and express your displeasure or write him at Florida Farm Bureau Federation P.O. Box 147030, Gainesville, FL 32614-7030. He's the top honcho who has probably irritated many of his customer/residents across our great State.

1 comment:

  1. Look at Warren Newell's last treasurer report before he was carted off to prison-listed as the occupation of his contributors were FARMER,FARMER FARMER, on and on !Pity the poor farmer ? NO WAY !Stop farm subsidies NOW !!!
