Monday, September 13, 2010

Fees and taxes in Lake Worth

There are some in the community blaming this Commission, or rather certain Commissioners, on fees and taxes when all they have to do is look at the unfunded retirement pension plans that are the culprits and the biggest cause of our dilemma. Look to the overpaid Staff, police and fire unions that are moaning about this. They want to take it all. Those who play politics every election cycle are the very ones who avoid the truth and like to twist the facts to suit their political fantasies, forever playing the blame game.

Last year we had to raise fees and taxes to operate our city. Susan Stanton is doing everything possible within every department to find ways to cut spending this year. The objective for the CM as well as this Commission is to keep the same millage as last year.

Commissioner Mulvehill says:

There are a number of important topics being discussed over the next few days. Below are a few highlights:

1.Millage Rate – I have not supported any increase in the millage rate since we began the budget process. The City Commission will be meeting on Wednesday, September 15 at 6pm at City Hall, to discuss the proposed millage rate. Please note that staff is recommending the city maintain its current millage rate of 4.99.

2.Beach Redevelopment Project Update – REG Architects and Kimley-Horn will present an update following the public input meeting held a few weeks ago. This topic will be discussed tomorrow 9/14 beginning at 1:00pm, at City Hall.

3.The feed-in-tariff program will be discussed tomorrow, 9/14 beginning at 8:30am at City Hall. Lake Worth is looking into reviewing and adopting the innovative feed-in-tariff model that is being used in Gainesville, to bring solar energy to our city.

Please visit for details on these and other important agenda items being discussed this week.

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